Karen A Walsh
KW Reserve



These Market Data Reports are powered by the Florida Board of Realtors directly from the Multiple Listing Service for the most accurate information.  Scroll down to find the following charts below for Palm Beach County as of June 2023 (Contact Karen Walsh for further market data reports according to your interests.):


PBC Median Sales Price vs. Level of Inventory

PBC Median Sales Price vs. Average Appreciation of 4-5% Since 2008

Jupiter Seaside Area - Cash Sales and Sale Price vs. List Price

PBC Summary of Single Family Homes Market Data

PBC Summary of Condos and Townhomes Market Data


The first chart compares the median sales prices to the level of inventory in Palm Beach County since January 2020 right before the onset of the pandemic.  Inventory is still low, we’re at a 2 to 3 month supply so it’s still a seller’s market.  One may see the contrast to the high median sales price and surmise that a correction is due.  Anything is possible and no one has a crystal ball but due to the large demographic demand, prices will likely continue to stay strong.  


In fact, if you look at the second chart that compares the median sales prices in Palm Beach County since 2008 to where the values would be if we had a normal market of appreciation of 4% to 5% over those years, you’ll see that median prices are in that range of normalcy.  (The National Association of Realtors reports that appreciation in a normal market ranges from 3% to 5% a year.)